5. Contact Uluslararası Öğrenci Filmleri Festivali
22 - 26 Ekim 2018
Yaşar Üniversitesi
Üniversite Caddesi, No:35-37, Ağaçlı Yol, Bornova, İzmir PK. 35100
contact-isff @ yasar.edu.tr
Contact’da ödüller sahiplerini buldu
Yaşar Üniversitesinin ev sahipliğinde bu yıl beşincisi gerçekleşen Contact
Uluslararası Öğrenci Filmleri Festivali ve Yarışmasında ödüller düzenlenen
törenle sahibini buldu. Dünyanın dört bir yanından bin 671 öğrenci filminin
başvurduğu ve seçilen 13 finalistin yarıştığı festivalde, sektör temsilcileri,
Portekiz’in kökleri 1830’lara dayanan dünyaca ünlü sinema okulu Lizbon Sinema ve
Tiyatro Yüksek Okulundan akademisyenler de öğrencilerle buluştu.
Yaşar Üniversitesi İletişim ve Sanat ve Tasarım fakültelerinin ortaklaşa
düzenlediği Beşinci Contact Uluslararası Öğrenci Filmleri Festivali ve
Yarışmasında, ödüller sahiplerini buldu. Yarışmaya, bu yıl, İngiltere’den
Fransa’ya, Arjantin’den Tayland’a kadar birçok ülkedeki sinema okulundan bin 671
film başvurdu. Prof. Dr. Nazlı Bayram, Prof. Dr. Şefik Güngör, Doç. Dr. Çağrı
İnceoğlu, Dr. Sevcan Sönmez ve Markus Berger’den oluşan ön jürinin elemesinden
geçerek finale kalan 13 film, Portekizli akademisyenler Prof. Andre Almeida,
Prof. Luis Fonseca, yönetmenler Nurhan Özsoy, Engin Erden ve Barış Çorak’tan
oluşan festival Jürisi önünde yarıştı. Kurmaca, belgesel, deneysel ve animasyon
dallarında finale kalan 11 ülkeden 13 yönetmenin filmleri, “En iyi film, en iyi
senaryo, Böcek Yapım ödülleri” ile öğrenci jürisinin seçeceği en iyi film ödülü
için yarıştı.
Her yıl tanınmış bir film okulunu konuk eden festivalin, bu yılki konuğu,
kökleri 1830’lara kadar uzanan, şimdiye dek Portekiz sinemasına birçok ünlü
yönetmen ve teknik eleman yetiştiren Lizbon Sinema ve Tiyatro Yüksekokulu oldu.
Okulun öğretim üyeleri Prof. Andre Almeida ve Prof. Luis Fonseca öğrencilere
yönelik ustalık sınıfları da yürüttü. Ayrıca, Atila Akkaş, Engin Erden, Barış
Çorak, Atila Akkaş, Oytun Orgül de seminerler verdi. Festival Direktörleri Prof.
Dr. Şefik Güngör ile Prof. Dr. Nazlı Bayram, her yıl daha geniş bir katılım
olduğunu belirterek, dünya çapında film okullarını ağırlamaktan duydukları
memnuniyeti dile getirdi.
Yaşar Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı ve Portekiz’in İzmir Fahri Konsolosu
Ahmet Yiğitbaşı, festivalin, her yıl konuk olarak tanınmış bir uluslararası film
okuluna ev sahipliği yaptığını hatırlatarak, bu yıl Portekiz’den Lizbon Sinema
ve Tiyatro Yüksekokulunu ağırlamaktan büyük mutluluk duyduklarını dile getirdi.
Ülkeler arasındaki kültürel ilişkilerin, ekonomik ve politik ilişkilerin
geliştirilmesinde büyük önem taşıdığını vurgulayan Ahmet Yiğitbaşı,
“Üniversitelerin görevlerinden biri de bu kültürel ilişkilerin gelişmesine
katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu Festivalin de bu amaç için mükemmel bir araç olduğunu
düşünüyoruz” dedi.
Yaşar Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı ve Portekiz’in İzmir Fahri Konsolosu
Ahmet Yiğitbaşı
Portekizcenin Yaşar Üniversitesinde ikinci yabancı dil olarak öğretildiğini ve
YÜSEM aracılığıyla Portekizce kursları düzenlendiğini belirten Yiğitbaşı,
önümüzdeki Aralık ayında, sergiler, söyleşiler ve film gösterimleri gibi
kültürel faaliyetleri de kapsayan Portekiz Sinema Günleri etkinliğinin
gerçekleştirileceğini de ifade etti.
Festivalin, Yaşar Üniversitesinin akademik felsefesinin iki stratejisi olan
“uluslararasılaşma” ve “yaparak öğrenme” açısından önemine değinen Rektör Prof.
Dr. Cemali Dinçer ise “Öğrencilerimiz, festival sayesinde hem uluslararası bir
sanatsal ve akademik ortamdan yararlanma fırsatı bulurken hem de bu süre
içerisinde gerçekleşen ustalık sınıfları ve seminerlerde yaparak öğrenme
felsefemize uygun olanaklar elde etti” şeklinde konuştu.
Yaşar Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Cemali Dinçer
Ödüller ise şu isimlere gitti:
Yaşar Üniversitesi En İyi Kısa Fim Ödülü
A Short Film About Sadness filmi ile Ming-Wei Chiang - Polonya
Sen-Edit En İyi Senaryo Ödülü
Kerata filmi ile Kasım Ördek - Yeni Yüzyıl Üniversitesi
Böcek Yapım Ödülü
Kerata filmi ile Kasım Ördek - Yeni Yüzyıl Üniversitesi
Öğrenci Jurisi Ödülü
Find Fix Finish filmi ile Sylvain Cruiziat ve Mila Zhluktenko - Almanya
Flower Found filmi ile Jorn Leeuwerink - Hollanda
Jüri Özel Ödülü
Find Fix Finish filmi ile Sylvain Cruiziat ve Mila Zhluktenko - Almanya
Ming-Wei Chiang yerine ödülü Prof.Dr.Ümit Atabek(solda) Prof.Dr.Ali Nazın
Sözer’den aldı.
Yaşar Üniversitesi En İyi Kısa Film Ödülünü kazanan Ming-Wei Chiang video
bağlantısı ile teşekkür dileklerini iletti.
After careful consideration our programming team have nominated the following 13
finalists in the 2018 international student film competition:
Frédérick Neegan Trudel
Institut national de l’image et du son (INIS)
Canada, 2017
Guanzillum is an old magician who has problems maintaining his cabaret, as well
as his relationship with his son who increasingly demonstrates his interest in
his father’s profession. But Guanzillum is not yet ready to pass the torch and
he has one last trick in his bag.
Frédérick Neegan Trudel is a director of Huron Wendat origin. After embarking on
a three-year journey around the world, he worked for several years in the
special effects and 3D animation industry. Curious and on the lookout for
innovative ways and new challenges to tell his stories, he has enrolled in the
Cinema program of INIS.
Ömür Yıldırım
Akdeniz University
Turkey, 2017
Samet has been brought up by his grandparents since childhood. While he grows up
and leaves his childhood behind, he is trying to gain his independence from his
Born in 1994, Ömür Yıldırım is a graduate of Akdeniz University and is one of
the founding members of Antalya Cinema Society. He has worked in advertising
industry as a photographer and as director of photography. He is still active in
the industry.
Clara Stern
The Film Academy Vienna
Austria, 2017
Mathias is transgender. Although he is more than sure about his decision to live
as a man, he still has to find his way through life in his new identity,
especially in his new job. His relationship with his girlfriend also seems to
have changed due to his transition.
Clara Stern was born in 1987 in Vienna, Austria. She studied Directing and
Screenplay Writing at the Film Academy Vienna, University of Music and
Performing Arts Vienna, Austria. She was the awardee of Carl-Mayer-Screenplay-Award
of the city of Graz in 2016 and 2018. She has several short-films, both
documentaries and fiction.
The Next Stop
Dominik György
Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Czech Republic, 2018
Family life of a loving mother and her mentally challenged son becomes a daily
struggle with only one goal: survival. She would do anything for her son who
lives in his own fantasy world and will never grow up, but there is not much she
can do. Only role playing as a bus driver offers a short escape from their daily
Dominik Gygrgy is a young film director from Slovakia, where he studied film and
sound at the Secondary Film School. He has been working since the age of nine.
His most successful films include Death of Art, Different and Seven Deadly Sins.
The Dust Doesn't Want to Come Out of the Esqueleto
Daniel Santiso & Max William Morais
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, State University of Rio de Janeiro
Brazil, 2018
Four inhabitants of the state of Rio de Janeiro are part of the removals that
are happening now in the Metrô-Mangueira community, telling us stories. These
narratives arise from the encounter with the images of the removal of the
Esqueleto community in that same place five decades earlier.
Daniel Santiso (1993) is Brazilian living in Rio de Janeiro. He is a student of
Cinema and TV at the School of Communication of Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro. He works with editing, photography, screenplay and production. With
Lorran Dias and Max William Morais, he was curator of the Semana Cinerama (Cinerama
Week), an independent festival of video-art and experimental film in Rio de
Max Morais (1993) is a Brazilian living in Rio de Janeiro. She holds a degree in
Visual Arts at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, works with costumes,
artistic direction and executive production, also producing the seminar Entre a
natureza e o artíficio (Between Nature and Artifice).
Osman Çakır
Erciyes University
Turkey, 2018
A train is late to arrive in a provincial station. Every passenger waiting for
the train will have different reactions to this delay.
Born in 1995, and a student of Erciyes University, Çakır is also the director of
Korkuluk. He has won various awards for his films and is now working in the
official television station of Erciyes University, Kampüs TV.
Find Fix Finish
Sylvain Cruiziat & Mila Zhlutenko
University of Television and Film Munich
Germany, 2017
Find Fix Finish delves into the accounts of three military drone pilots as they
tell the intimate story of the lives they observe on a day-to-day basis. The
voyeuristic ocular perspective from a military drone can reduce people to pixels
on a screen and a certain decontextualisation is almost necessary to deal with
the fact that people can be killed on a push of a button. “Have you ever stepped
on an anthill and not given it a second thought?”.
Sylvain Cruiziat is a Franco-German filmmaker, born in July of 1995. Since his
enrolment in HFF Munchen in 2014, Sylvain has directed several short films
including his latest short documentary film: Find Fix Finish. Mila Zhluktenko,
born in February of 1991 in Kiew, is a Ukrainian-German filmmaker. Since her
enrolment in HFF Munchen, in 2014, Mila has directed several short films
including her latest short documentary film Find Fix Finish.
Flower Found
Jorn Leeuwerink
HKU University of Arts Utrecht
Netherlands, 2017
A beautiful red flower stands in the middle of the forest. When it suddenly
disappears, Mouse is very sad. Bird takes Mouse around the forest to search for
the flower and other animals join in the search too. When they think they’ve
found the flower, things quickly start to get out of hand.
Jorn Leeuwerink was born on July 19, 1990 in the Netherlands. He studied 2D
animation at the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.
A Short Film About Sadness
Ming-Wei Chiang
Lodz Film School
Poland, 2018
One night, two film school students meet a prostitute. Once they put a camera on
her and start interviewing, one of the young film-makers gradually realizes that
she is not the person they assumed she would be like. This unexpected encounter
brings him to a moral choice that he has to make.
Graduated from the YZU department of Art and Design in Taiwan, Ming-Wei Chiang
worked as propsman and set decorator in Tsai Ming-Liang’s Stray Dogs (2013). He
directed Frog (2013) and was awarded Jury Special Mentions in Chinese Visual
Festival held in King’s College, London. He is currently studying at Lodz Film
Non-Rainy Philosophy
Fran Gondi
France, 2017
A being walks with his umbrella under a hard rainy night. Lampposts will guide
him in the dark.
After two years of studying Illustration and Graphism in Spain, Fran Gondi
studied in EMCA School in France for four years. While he was there he made
several films and a graduation film focusing on puppets and pixelation technics.
Currently he works in France as a stop motion animator.
Kasım Ördek
İstanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University
Turkey, 2018
Ekrem, 32 years old, finished his prison sentence recently. Now he collects
waste materials and sells them to feed his family. One day he comes upon an item
and he realises that it belongs to his wife. Ekrem starts to suspect that his
wife is cheating on him, doing things behind his back.
Born in 1992 in Diyarbakır, Kasım Ördek immigrated to Istanbul with his family
in 1995. He graduated from the Radio, Television and Cinema department of Yeni
Yüzyıl University. Kerata (2018) is his first short film.
A Dialogue With Cyberspace
Brian den Hartog
RITCS School of Arts Brussel
Belgium, 2017
In our everyday face-to-face interaction, we express ourselves with our bodies.
It gives us the ability to physically be with each other. Since a few decades,
an increasing part of our interaction takes place via new technologies, with the
result that we’ve created a digital version of ourselves that we can shape
however we want it to be. By trying to replace our physical way of being by
online interaction, we started an ambiguous quest that confuses us. This
confusion, of our physical self opposite to it’s virtual replica, forms the
foundation of this film.
Brian den HARTOG (1989, the Netherlands) studied in theatre school before he
went to Brussels to start his BA in Documentary Filmmaking at RITCS. In 2017, he
graduated with high distinction with the film A Dialogue with Cyberspace, world
premiere at IFFR 2018. Den Hartog researches the conception of self in a more
and more technological society.
Blue Sky, Clean Earth
Mahyar Mandegar
Tehran University of Art
Iran, 2017
“My name is Massoud and this is a holding cell. I am a thief. That’s why they
always bring me here.
But this time I’m being charged with something else…”
Mahyar Mandegar was born 1996 in Tehran, Iran. He started his career in the
Faculty of Cinema & Theater at the Art University of Tehran. After two years he
focused on editing and participated as editor in short films such as Barcelona
(2017), Nausea (2018), Stairways (2018), Metamorphosis (2018). His first short
film Blue Sky, Clean Earth (2017) won the Best Film Under 15 Minutes and Best
Cinematography from Image of the Year Film Festival (Iran). It also won Best
Original Score from Nahal Short Film Festival (Iran).
Selection of Out of Competition films:
Las del Diente
Ana Pérez López
California Institute of the Arts
Spain/USA, 2018
Girls are weird. Babies are weird. Bodies are extra weird. Las del Diente is a
film about now, a time when women are tired of being forced to choose between
having kids and their careers. “Anomalous” days of the reproductive system
should be celebrated instead of stigmatized.
Ana Pérez López is a Spanish animator and journalist based in Los Angeles,
California. Her first film has been featured in Motionographer and screened at
festivals such as Dok Leipzig, MIAF, 3D wire and ANIMASIVO.
No Gravity
Charline Parisot, Jérémy Cissé, Fioretta Caterina Cosmidis, Flore Allier-Estrada,
Maud Lemaître-Blanchart, Ludovic Abraham
Supinfocom Rubika
France, 2018
An astronaut comes back to earth and tries to fit in to his home planet again.
Charline Parisot, Jérémy Cissé, Fioretta Caterina Cosmidis, Flore Allier-Estrada,
Maud Lemaître-
Blanchart and Ludovic Abraham have graduated from Supinfocom Rubika School with
a Masters degree. In 2018, they co-directed their short film No Gravity.
Lalo's House
Kelley Kali
University of Southern California
USA, 2018
After being taken from their home in Jacmel, Haiti, two young sisters must
escape a child sex trafficking ring, disguised as a Catholic orphanage. Inspired
by true events.
Kelley Kali is a Beninese/American filmmaker. She received her MFA from the
University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Her more recent
work Lalo’s House, filmed on location in Haiti, won the Programmers’ Award at
the 2018 Pan African Film Festival.
Embodying Voice
Ala Nunu Leszynska
Royal College of Art London
UK, 2017
A short lipsync inspired by a piece of recording found in the British Library
Ala Nunu Leszynska - London based polish animator, currently studying MA in
animation at Royal College of Art.
Facing It
Sam Gainsborough
National Film & TV School
UK, 2018
As Sean waits anxiously in the local pub, he is forced to explore his own
unhappy memories and relationships in an evening that will leave him changed
Sam Gainsborough is an animation director who has combined live-action filming
with stop-motion plasticine animation to create his own unique animation medium.
Prior to the NFTS, he obtained a BA in screenwriting from the Arts University
Bournemouth, and directed multiple animated short films and music videos.
Kamila Kucikova
Estonian Academy of Arts
Estonia, 2018
It’s a monodrama of a white-white paper.
Born in Slovakia, he worked for the festival Fest Anca. Now living in Estonia,
he is working for PÖFF Shorts.
The international jury of the 5th edition of Contact - International Student
Film Festival will award the following prizes and special mentions:
Grand Prix for the Best Short Film (with no tie exceptions) the winner will
receive a cash prize of 2000 Euros, kindly offered by Yasar University Rectorate.
SenEDIT Award for Best Story
the winner will receive a cash prize of 500 Euros and a SenEDIT software package
complimentary unlimited access, kindly offered by our main sponsor SenEDIT.
Böcek Yapım Award
the winner will receive post-production support worth 1500 Euros for their next
film, available to be used within one year after claiming the prize.
The international student jury will award the following special mention:
Student Audience Award
International Jury
Professor André Almeida /
Filmmaker and Film Editor
André Valentim Almeida is a Portuguese filmmaker and film editor currently
teaching editing at Lisbon Theatre and Film School. He taught media production
at the University of Porto and Aveiro and was the scientific coordinator of a
major video training program at the newsroom of the Portuguese news agency (LUSA).
André was part of the first yearlong collaborative documentary program at the
UnionDocs (Brooklyn, NY) where he then became the Collaborative Studio Director
for one year - as part of his PhD research on Interactive Documentary. He is
currently part of the board of APORDOC, the Portuguese Documentary Association
Professor Luís Fonseca /
Academician and Director
Luís Miguel Fonseca was born in Lisbon and studied cinema at ESTC. He worked as
assistant director and script supervisor for several years. He was a co-founder
of the production company Contracosta Produções. Directed shorts and
documentaries and the feature length Antes Que o Tempo Mude (Before Things
Change, FIPRESCI prize at BAFICI 06 - 2004). He also worked in theater as a
producer, translator, playwright and director, having also co-founded the
theater company Casa Conveniente. Teaches at ESTC since 2005.
Nurhan Özsoy /
Director and Producer
Nurhan Özsoy Tasdemir holds a degree in Radio-Television Cinema from Ege
University, Faculty of Communication. Her documentary Crete and the Population
Exchange won ‘The Best Documentary’ award in Young Communicators Compete contest.
Since 2001 she has been working in TRT as a producer and director. Involved in
the EBU project “Animals in Danger’’ in 2008, Tasdemir, in the same year
representing TRT, has participated in the ABU meeting held in Malaysia with the
film Bicycle Manufacturing directed by her in the category “How Things Are Made?”.
She is the director and producer of the documentaries “Günes Saatleri / Hours of
Sun”, “Yasamdan Kareler / Scenes from Life”, “Piva Manastiri / Piva Monastery”
and “Kaz Otaran / Gooseherder”, which the was a finalist in many national and
international festivals, winning the best documentary award at Rural Film
Festival. She has acted as a jury in Rural Film Festival in 2018. Since May of
2017, she has been an executive at TRT Documentary and executive produced many
documentaries there.
Engin Erden /
Director and Copywriter
Engin Erden was born in Izmir in 1986. He moved to Istanbul when he was 22 and
worked in Turkey’s leading advertising agencies as copywriter for six years. He
wrote commercials, radio spots, press ads, and integrated campaigns for
international and national brands. He has been the recipient of many awards in
his six year career in advertising, such as Grand Prix in Golden Drum, Design
Gold in London International Awards and many others. By the time he became 29,
he quit his job to chase his passion for filmmaking. He moved to Prague to study
directing in Prague Film School for a year. He wrote and directed six short
films as school projects. He also directed a music video for Berlin/Istanbul
based krautrock band Farfara. After he came back to Istanbul, he joined Böcek
Yapim in September 2016.
Baris Çorak /
Born and lives in Istanbul. Upon completing his studies at Anadolu University,
Department of Cinema and TV, he went to Baltic Film and Media School in Estonia.
He is currently a postgraduate student in History department at Bilgi University
in Istanbul. Before he started directing TV commercials, he made award winning
short films, received best film and best director awards and worked as an
assistant director for feature films. His latest short film Birlikte (Together)
was selected to Locarno Film Festival’s Pardi Di Domani section (Leopard of
Tomorrow), the festival’s main short film competition.
Pre-selection Jury
Professor Nazli Bayram
Nazli Bayram studied Cinema and Television at Anadolu University. Her short
documentary named “Moment” was screened at film festivals in U.S.A, Germany,
Portugal, Turkey and was nominated for best documentary by SIYAD and best film
by Exground Film Festival. Ms. Bayram is also one of the directors and the
producer of documentary film named Insan Kent (City of People). She is the head
of department of Radio, Television and Cinema Department at Yasar University.
She is teaching screenwriting and directing.
Professor Sefik Güngör
Professor Sefik Güngör graduated from Ege University Faculty of Fine Arts, Film
and TV Department. He began his academic career at Dokuz Eylül University. He is
the Head of Film Design Department at Yasar University since 2008 and he has
been working on documentary film and cinematography.
Associate Professor Çagri Inceoglu
Çagri Inceoglu graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Cinema and
Television. He holds master’s degrees on Social and Political Thought from The
University of Warwick (2005) and Arts Management from Yeditepe University
(2001). His doctoral research is about Modernization and Turkish Cinema. His
main research interest is film studies and he has been teaching media,
communication, and film studies to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Assistant Professor Sevcan Sönmez
Sevcan Sönmez graduated from Anadolu University, Communication Sciences Faculty
in 2006. She finished her PhD at the same university’s Social Sciences Institute
with the thesis Traumatic Representations of Turkish Cinema in 2012. A well-known
publisher printed this thesis with the name Remembering By Films. She has been
working at Yasar University since 2008. Recent Turkish Cinema, European Cinema
and video art are her main interest areas. She made documentaries and video
works and she is currently producing different projects in this area.
Instructor Markus Berger
Markus Berger works as full-time instructor at Dokuz Eylül University Fine Arts
Faculty in Izmir, teaching 2D, 3D, digital and analogue animation. Born and
raised in Austria, he studied “Media Technology and Media Design” and “Digital
Arts” at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg. His graduation film, a
short animated documentary, Replay - Kindheit in der Sandkiste, was screened at
several festivals and won an audience award at the ASIFA One Day Animation
Festival Vienna in 2014.
Student Jury
Tiago Amorim, Yasin Dalgiç, Yasin Erda, Halid Ilhan, Clara Jost, Inês Luís, João
Martinho, Ceren Yilmaz.
Contact - International Student Film Festival is a short film festival organized
by the joint collaboration of the Faculty of Communication and Faculty of Arts
and Design at Yaşar University (Izmir, Turkey).
In its first pilot edition of the festival in October 2014, we have been teaming
up with some of the most prestigious film schools around the world (among others
London Film School, FAMU, Korea University of the Arts, Zelig Film School) to
present a non-competitive showcase of the current student film productions from
Europe and beyond.
The 2nd and 3rd editions of Contact brought to Izmir the best films by the next
generation of filmmakers, inaugurating a new international competition section.
The guest film schools invited to Izmir were HFF Munich and LODZ Film School
respectively. Other schools selections included Louis Lumiere (Paris, France),
Erciyes University (Kayseri, Turkey) and Mimar Sinan FAU (Istanbul, Turkey).
For the 4th edition of the Festival (23-27 October 2017), we are developing an
exciting program which will include once more an International Short Film
Competition and La Femis (Paris, France) as the guest school.
Here at Contact we are interested in your stories and the way cinema can convey
them: that’s why the main competition will accept a mix of fiction, documentary
and animation films, without distinctions of genre.
Contact Uluslararası Öğrenci Filmleri Festivali, Yaşar Üniversitesi’nde İletişim
Fakültesi ile Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi’nin ortak olarak organize ettiği bir
film festivalidir.
Festivalin pilot uygulaması Ekim 2014’te düzenlendi. İlk festivalimizde Londra
Film Okulu, FAMU, Lodz Film Okulu, Kore Ulusal Sanat Üniversitesi ve Zelig Film
Okulu gibi dünyanın en prestijli film okullarını bir araya getirerek yarışma
dışı film gösterimleri gerçekleştirdik.
Contact’ın ikinci yılında ise (19-23 Ekim 2015) festivale uluslararası yarışma
bölümü ekleyerek bir kez daha yeni nesil film yönetmenlerini İzmir’de
Contact’ın üçüncü yılında ise 17-21 Ekim 2016 tarihleri arasında İran’dan
Endonezya’ya, Çin’den Arjantin’e 1605 öğrenci filminin başvurduğu festivalde
yarışma programına seçilen 12 film jüri tarafından değerlendirildi.
Jüride ise Oyuncu Meltem Cumbul, Yönetmen ve Yapımcı Ezel Akay, Anadolu
Üniversitesi Öğretim üyesi Prof. Dr. Nazmi Ulutak, festivalin bu yılki konuk
okulu LODZ’un hocaları Prof. Leszek Dawid ve Prof. Marcin Malatyński yer aldı.
Gösterim programındaki okul seçkilerinde Köln Uluslararası Film Okulu (IFS
Cologne), Türkiye’den Kadir Has Üniversitesi Radyo Televizyon ve Sinema Bölümü
ve Yaşar Üniversitesi’nin öğrenci filmleri yer aldı.
Festivalin konuk okula ayrılmış bölümlerinde Lodz Film Okulu öğrenci filmleri
seçkisi, yönetmenleriyle söyleşi, Prof. Leszek Dawid ve Prof. Marcin
Malatyński’nin seminerleri yer aldı.
Festivalin bu yıl bir diğer konuğu da Richard Blank oldu. Goethe Enstitüsü’nün
sponsorluğuyla 5 günlük “Hollywood, Goodbye” başlıklı bir workshop düzenlendi.
Detaylı bilgi için:
website-icon-18 http://contact-isff.yasar.edu.tr/
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Öğrenci Filmleri İzleyiciyle Buluşuyor
Yaşar Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen Contact 5. Uluslararası Öğrenci
Filmleri Festivali, dünyanın farklı sinema okullarında yapılmış öğrenci
filmlerini bir araya getirecek. Yeni nesil sinemacıları İzmir’de buluşturan
festival kapsamında, sektör temsilcileri, Portekiz’in kökleri 1830’lara dayanan
dünyaca ünlü sinema okulu Lizbon Sinema ve Tiyatro Yüksekokulundan
akademisyenler, öğrenci ve sinemaseverlerle buluşacak.
Yaşar Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi ile Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesinin
işbirliğiyle düzenlenen Contact 5. Uluslararası Öğrenci Filmleri Festivali ve
Öğrenci Filmleri Yarışması, önümüzdeki hafta Selçuk Yaşar Kampusunda
gerçekleştirilecek. Direktörlüklerini Prof. Dr. Nazlı Bayram ile Prof. Dr. Şefik
Güngör’ün yaptığı yarışmaya, İngiltere’den Fransa’ya, Arjantin’den Tayland’a
kadar birçok ülkedeki sinema okulundan bin 671 film başvurdu. Prof. Dr. Nazlı
Bayram, Prof. Dr. Şefik Güngör, Doç. Dr. Çağrı İnceoğlu, Dr. Sevcan Sönmez ve
Markus Berger’den oluşan ön jürinin elemesinden geçerek finale kalan filmler,
Portekizli akademisyenler Prof. Andre Almeida, Prof. Luis Fonseca, yönetmenler
Nurhan Özsoy, Engin Erden ve Barış Çorak’tan oluşan Festival Jürisi önünde
yarışacak. Kurmaca, belgesel, deneysel ve animasyon dallarında 11 ülkeden 13
yönetmenin filmleri finale kaldı. Bu 13 film, “En iyi film, en iyi senaryo,
Böcek Yapım ödülleri” ile öğrenci jürisinin seçeceği en iyi film ödülü için
22 Ekim Pazartesi günü açılışı yapılacak festivalin bu yılki konuğu
Portekiz’den. Her yıl tanınmış bir film okulunu konuk eden festivalin, bu yılki
konuğu, kökleri 1830’lara kadar uzanan, şimdiye dek Portekiz sinemasına birçok
ünlü yönetmen ve teknik eleman yetiştiren Lizbon Sinema ve Tiyatro Yüksekokulu.
Okulun öğretim üyeleri Prof. Andre Almeida ve Prof. Luis Fonseca öğrencilere
yönelik ustalık sınıfları yürütecek. Atila Akkaş, Engin Erden, Barış Çorak,
Atila Akkaş, Oytun Orgül de seminerler verecek. Bu yıl festivale toplam 11
farklı sinema okulunun öğrencileri katılıyor.
Contact Uluslararası Öğrenci Filmleri Festivalinin Yaşar Üniversitesi açısından
önemine değinen Rektör Prof. Dr. Cemali Dinçer, “Öğrencilerimiz, festival
sayesinde hem uluslararası bir sanatsal ve akademik ortamdan yararlanacak hem de
bu süre içerisinde gerçekleşecek ustalık sınıfları ve seminerlerde, yaparak
öğrenme felsefemize uygun olanaklar elde edecek” diye konuştu. Festival, 26 Ekim
Cuma akşamı yapılacak ödül töreni ile kapanacak.