Program for the 8th Changing Perspectives Film Festival was announced.
Organized by Katadrom Arts, Culture and Social Politics Association, ICPFF will
be held from 4 - 8 April 2020.
A “Take-Away” Festival
Owing to its unique “Take Away” format, Changing Perspectives Film Festival
starts in Istanbul and travels various cities of the world throughout the year
and offers its participating films a chance to meet audience in many different
occasions. This year, besides its regular stops Berlin and Yogyakarta, ICPFF
will visit Eskişehir and Tehran too.
Main Theme, “Urban”
Aiming to bring new perspectives to its followers and audience from the day it
started, ICPFF announced its main theme for 2020 to be “Urban”. Along with the
with screening of films that are facing the Urban/Human/Nature, People/Architecture
relation, films that bring a new point of view to the audience.
The Potluck Award
“Potluck Award” is collection of this year’s submission fees. With this way, all
the filmmakers who submitted their film to the festival will be contributing to
a fellow filmmaker. The international programming team of the ICPFF will be
acting as the Jury for the “Potluck Award”.
Having almost a hundred films from more than fifty countries, the programme of
ICPFF consists of eight sections. “Urban”; the main theme, “Ridicule”; where the
films that entreats the absurd and humorous sides of life will be screened,
“Purple Portraits”; where the stories and experiences of powerful women will be
told, “Umbrella”; standing against all kinds of discrimination and exclusion,
“Swerve Away”; stories of lives that are changed with a sharp turn, “So Far, So
Close”; stories of late history, personal history and nostalgia…
Starting with only short film in 2013, for the last two years Changing
Perspectives has been including a selection of influencing feature films of the
In this 8th edition, ICPFF is offering to its audience with the support of
Consulate General of Israel- Istanbul:
“Heroine” is a full length feature film comprising five short stories, written
and directed by five women directors: Atara Frish, Heli Hardy, Yasmin Schryer-Ozary,
Shira Pajurski, Shira Porat. And also
“An Ordinary Life” by Gili Danon and Efrat Shalom Danon.
Orhan Tekeoğlu’s “Time to Leave” will be screen as part of the festival feature
Starting on the 5th March 2020, Thursday, 8th International Changing
Perspectives Film Festival is presenting an unforgettable, five day long
festival experience to local and visiting cinema lovers in Istanbul with its
screenings at Beyoğlu FİTAŞ, and the other events of the festival (SUPA Suriye
Pasajı and SGDD-ASAM (The Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and
8th International Changing Perspectives Film Festival /
4-8 March / İstanbul
Katadrom Arts, Culture and Social Politics Association -
Event Link :
Bambiland, Danilo Stanimirovic, 0:15:00, Serbia / Sırbistan, 2019
Bastard/ Piç, Daniel Guliyev, 0:18:39, United Kingdom / Birleşik Krallık, 2019
Birth-Right/ Vatandaşlık Hakkı, Inbar Horesh, 0:24:36, Israel / İsrail, 2019
Bitter Herb/ Acı Ot, Maria Ornaf, 0:16:28, Poland / Polonya, 2019
Delivery Service/ Kurye, Vladimir Koptsev, Elena Koptseva, 0:13:10, Russian
Federation / Rusya, 2019
Hello Africa/ Merhaba Afrika, Hasan Serin, 0:12:33, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2020
Blue Bed, the/ Mavi Yatak, Alireza Kazemipour, 0:14:10, Iran / İran, 2019
Milk/ Süt, Pennie Hunt, 0:16:37, New Zealand / Yeni Zelanda, 2019
Neon Hearts/ Neon Kalpler, Ana Jakimska, 0:16:15, Macedonia / Makedonya, 2019
Salon, Zgjim Terziqi, 0:13:51, Kosovo / Kosova, 2019
Tomorrow at Dawn/ Yarın Şafak Vakti, Giulia Di Battista, 0:15:00, Italy /
İtalya, 2019
Tradition/ Sünnet, Zhanuzak Mamytov, 0:13:09, Kyrgyzstan / Kırgızistan, 2019
Wedding Photo/ Düğün Fotoğrafı, Cemalettin BAŞ, 0:09:50, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2020
Cave, The/ Mağara, Ufuk Kiray, 0:03:42, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
Church Street, Jennida Chase, Hassan Pitts, 0:01:55, United States / ABD, 2019
Civilization, The/ Medeniyet, Fevzi Murat Ersoy, 0:03:47, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
Land of Districts/ Mahalle, Andreas Gruetzner, 0:04:36, Germany / Almanya, 2019
One More Please/ Bir Tane Daha Lütfen, Aleksei Borovikov, 0:05:29, United States
/ ABD, 2019
One-Third Of A Second/ Saniyenin Üçte Biri, Burak Oguz Saguner, 0:15:40, Turkey/
Türkiye, 2019
Only One World Left/ Bundan Başka Dünya Yok, Alican Abacı, 0:03:00, Turkey/
Türkiye, 2019
Sigh/ İç Çekiş, Vlad Bolgarin, 0:15:00, Moldova / Moldovya, 2019
Street Head/ Sokak Kafası, Angélica Lourenço, 0:14:37, Brazil / Brezilya, 2019
Underground/ Metro, Jun Bae, 0:07:50, United States / ABD, 2019
Yarı Yarıya, Mazhar YILDIZ, 0:12:30, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
Caught on Camera/ Objektife Takılanlar, Homayoon Mobaraki, 0:02:58, Sweden /
İsveç, 2019
Daughter/ Kızım, Daria Kashcheeva, 0:14:44, Czech Republic / Çekya, 2019
Driving Lessons/ Direksiyon Dersleri, Marziyeh Riahi, 0:12:48, Iran / İran, 2019
Ella, Benjamin Rost, 0:09:00, Germany / Almanya, 2019
Fluid /Akışkan, Gökçe Onur, 0:04:35, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
Horn/ Korna, Ghasideh GOLMAKANI, 0:08:00, Iran / İran, 2018
I wish I weren’t Palestinian/ Keşke Filistinli Olmasaydım, Feda Naser, 0:16:23,
Palestine / Filistin, 2019
Osariya, Calvin Chinthaka, 0:02:46, United Kingdom / Birleşik Krallık, 2019
Panic Attack/ Panik Atak, Eileen O’Meara, 0:03:00, United States / ABD, 2019
Passage/ Pasaj, Asavari Kumar, 0:05:15, India / Hindistan, 2019
Swipe/ Kaydır, Niels Bourgonje, 0:05:48, Netherlands / Hollanda, 2019
Trap/ Tuzak, Paul James, 0:12:00, New Zealand / Yeni Zelanda, 2019
With or Without You/ Senle Ya da Sensiz, Angela Prudenzi, 0:03:04, Italy /
İtalya, 2018
(F)our Seasons/ Mevsimlerimiz, Miguel Gabaldón, 0:14:16, Spain / İspanya, 2019
Animal that Therefore I am, The/ Hayvan-İnsan, Bea de Visser, 0:10:37,
Netherlands / Hollanda, 2019
Boje, Andreas Cordes, Robert Köhler, 0:10:00, Germany / Almanya, 2019
Gray Body/ Gri Beden, Samaneh Shojaei, 0:05:00, Iran / İran, 2019
Here With You/ Seninle, Nona Schamus, 0:06:26, United States / ABD, 2019
My name is Petya/ Benim Adım Petya, Daria Binevskaya, 0:15:00, Russian
Federation / Rusya, 2019
My Sister/ Kızkardeşim, Saverio Cappiello, 0:15:00, Italy / İtalya, 2019
Plus One/ Artı Bir, Abdullah Şahin, 0:01:54, Turkey / Türkiye, 2019
Under The Blanket/ Örtünün Altı, Kardelen Eren, 0:14:55, Turkey / Türkiye, 2019
First Officer, The/ Bir Numaralı Subay, Yannis Ferchatis, 0:13:00, Greece /
Yunanistan, 2019
Love in Istanbul - Sand/ İstanbul’da Aşk - Kum, Yavuz Özkan, 0:14:22, Turkey/
Türkiye, 2010
Masked/ Maskelenmiş, Fatih Oruç, 0:16:18, Turkey / Türkiye, 2019
Spizella, Mehmet Tığlı, 0:19:57, Germany, Turkey / Almanya, Türkiye, 2019
Zingal The Last Generation/ Zingal, Son Kuşak, İzzet Arslan, 0:20:00, Turkey /
Türkiye, 2019
“Coin”/ Bozukluk, Sergey Sutyagin, 0:02:45, Russian Federation / Rusya, 2019
51+, Daniyar Abirov, 0:09:05, Kyrgyzstan / Kırgızistan, 2019
Carrots/ Havuçlar, Bergur Árnason, 0:15:00, Iceland / İzlanda, 2019
Derezon, Nesli Doğan, Sezgin Öztürk, 0:03:40, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
Drübenland - The Land Over There/ Şuradaki Ülke, Arne Kohlweyer, 0:15:00,
Germany / Almanya, 2019
Elephantbird/ Hindi, Masoud Soheili, 0:15:00, Afghanistan / Afganistan, 2019
Fire Extinguisher/ Yangın Söndürme Tüpü, Rodrigo Sopeña Costales, Joana Solnado,
0:04:00, Spain / İspanya, 2019
Fred’s Night Out/ Felekten Bir Gece, Anayis N. Der Hakopian, 0:04:07, United
Kingdom / Birleşik Krallık, 2019
Occurrences of Questionable Significance/
Sorgulanabilir Değerin Ortaya Çıkışı, Dave Lojek, 0:09:00, Germany/ Almanya,
Pentagon/ Beşgen, Gülden Gevher Öz, 0:07:28, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
Real Life/ Gerçek Hayat, Camila Mezzetti, Ramon Faria, 0:01:00, United States/
ABD, 2019
Soba-chan’s Morning/ Soba-chan’ın Sabahı, Vlasov Sergey, 0:04:57, Japan /
Japonya, 2019
Dead Die Once, The/ Bir Kez Ölünür, Max McGillivray, Alex Morelli, 0:08:30,
United States / ABD, 2019
Plastic Flowers/ Yapay Çiçekler, ?annis Zafiris, 0:04:00, Greece / Yunanistan,
Praskovya, Alexander Solovyov, 0:05:17, Russian Federation / Rusya, 2019
Quiet, The/ Sessizlik, Radheya Jegatheva, 0:10:00, Australia / Avustralya, 2019
School Bus, The/ Servis, Ramazan Kılıç, 0:13:34, Turkey / Türkiye, 2019
Scratching the Surface/ Yer Kazıyıcı, Bethany Staley, 0:12:15, United Kingdom /
Birleşik Krallık, 2019
Slope/ Bayır, Eduardo Brito, 0:07:00, Portugal / Portekiz, 2019
Wandering Cloud/ Gezgin Bulut, Priyanka Purty, 0:18:00, India / Hindistan, 2019
Wonderful World/ Muteşem Dünya, Massimo Schiavoni, 0:04:00, Italy / İtalya, 2019
Your Turn/ Sıra Sende, Patrik Rosanics, 0:11:07, Hungary / Macaristan, 2019
Bear With Me/ Birlikte, Daphna Awadish, 0:04:50, Netherlands / Hollanda, 2019
Butterfly Man/ Kelebek Adam, Enis Manaz, 0:05:30, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
In Land’s Way/ Tarlada, Payam Rezaei, 0:14:28, Iran / İran, 2019
Old Road, The/ Eski Yol, Damiano Giacomelli, 0:19:59, Italy / İtalya, 2019
Our Concert/ Bizim Konserimiz, Francesco Piras, 0:15:00, Italy / İtalya, 2019
Paper Kite/ Uçurtma, Nada Bedair, 0:07:00, Egypt / Mısır, 2019
Represent/ Temsil, Chris Heck, 0:06:00, United States / ABD, 2019
Roamers/ Gezginler, Simon Choupot, 0:09:00, France / Fransa, 2019
Zoo/ Hayvanat Bahçesi, Will Niava, 0:10:00, Canada / Kanada, 2019
Heronie/ Kadın Kahramanlar, Atara Frish, Heli Hardy, Yasmin Schryer-Ozary, Shira
Pajurski, Shira Porat, 1:27:00, Israel / İsrail, 2018
An Ordinary Life/ Normal Bir Hayat, Gili Danon, Efrat Shalom Danon, 0:56:00,
Israel, Germany / İsrail, Almanya, 2019
Pop 30, Shira Billig, 0:17:56, Israel / İsrail, 2019
Time to Leave/ Vargit Zamanı, Nurdan Tekeoğlu, 0:52:00, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019
2 Days/ 2 Gün, Nurdan Tekeoğlu, 0:09:24, Turkey/ Türkiye, 2019