1. Kaş Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali
1. Kas International Short Film Festival
02 - 05 Haziran 2022
Son Başvuru : 20 Nisan 2022
info @ kasfilmfest.com
Festival Director / Seren Topaloğlu
Advisory Board / Onur Keşaplı, Erinç Durlanık, Kadriye Hacımusaoğlu
Kaş Kısa Film Festivali sona erdi
Antalya'nın Kaş ilçesinde Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kaş Belediyesi'nin
desteğiyle ilk kez düzenlenen 'Kaş Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali', Kaş Anfi
Tiyatro'da gerçekleştirilen ödül töreni ve Hafız Edizoğlu'nun 'Nazdrave'
konseriyle sona erdi.
Bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen ve 4 gün süren Kaş Uluslararası Kısa Filim
Festivali'nde 60 ülkeden 550 film yarıştı. 4 dalda jürinin elemesinden geçen 32
film finale kaldı. Sualtı filmlerini değerlendiren jüride Elif Karagöz Bağcılar,
Dr. Mert Gökalp ve Billy Cloud yer aldı. Sualtı jürisinin değerlendirmesi
sonucu, en iyi sualtı filmi Rus yapımcı Yaroslav Bulavin'in 'İncipience' adlı
filmi seçildi. Bu dalda jüri ödülü ise Amerikalı Clayton Cunn'un 'Tiger King'
filmine verildi.
Uluslararası yarışma, ulusal yarışma ve öğrenci filmlerini değerlendiren ana
jüride Amira Diab, oyuncular Meriç Aral, Mira Goeres, Uğur Polat ve yapımcı
yönetmen Özkan Yılmaz yer aldı. Jürinin değerlendirmesi sonucu en iyi
uluslararası film ödülünü İsrailli yönetmen Tomer Shushan'nın 'White Eye' filmi
kazandı. Bu dalda jüri özel ödülü Zig Dulay'ın 'Jury Awars : Black Rainbow' adlı
filmine verildi.
Ulusal film yarışmasında en iyi film ödülünü Zeynep Dilan Süren'nin 'Büyük
İstanbul Deprasyonu' filmi kazandı. Ulusal öğrenci filmi yarışmasında en iyi
film ödülünü Efe Şubaşı'nın 'Mesafeler' adlı filmi aldı. Bu dalda jüri özel
ödülü Malaz Usta'nın 'Sürgünde Bir Yıl' adlı filmine verildi.
Festival direktörü Selen Toplaoğlu, "Kaş'ta bir ilki gerçekleştirdik. 60 ülkeden
550 filmin başvurduğu festivalde 32 film yarıştı. 4 gün sürede bu 32 filmi 150
gösterimini gerçekleştirdik. Bu gösterimin yanısıra 7 ayrı panelimiz, atölyemiz
ve etkinliklerimiz oldu. Uluslararası, ulusal, ulusal öğrenci film yarışması ile
uluslararası sualtı film yarışması ile burada 32 filmimizi ağırladık. Dünyanın
her yerinden gelen konuklarımız oldu. Umuyorum ki herkes büyük keyf almıştır.
Bütün etkinlerimiz ücretsizdi" dedi.
Ödül gecesinde konuşma yapan Kaş Kaymakamı Şaban Arda Yazıcı, şunları söyledi:
"Kaş 4 gün boyunca güzel bir etkinliğe ev sahipliği yaptı. Bu yıl birincisi
düzenlenen Kaş Kısa Film Festivali aldığı etkileşimlerle, beğenilerle değerini
kanıtladı" dedi.
Kaş Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali'ne başvurular açıldı!
Son Başvuru Tarihi: 20 Nisan 2022
Uluslararası Kısa Film Yarışması
Özel Su Altı Filmleri Kategorisi
Yönetmenlerle Söyleşiler
Kaş International Short Film Festival welcomes filmmakers and film lovers for
the first time to the picturesque Mediterranean town of Turkey, Kaş. Looking
over the endless turquoise Mediterranean Sea, an immersion of culture, art, and
nature meets with carefully selected short films in the laid-back atmosphere of
Our first edition will take place in June 2022, followed by Q&A sessions with
the finalists, and the award ceremony with a closing concert at the impressive
2000-year-old ancient theater with the backdrop of the Greek island Kastellorizo.
A good variety of workshops, moderated panels, and screenings will be available
for everyone and free to join. Kaş has always been an attractive location for
filmmakers and artists throughout history, therefore with an international art
event, we are looking forward to boosting Kaş’s already established art scene
with great opportunities to mingle and network with international contacts.
We accept submissions from all around the world, and we especially encourage
underwater films to submit for the special underwater film category. Kaş is
famous for its bustling and pristine underwater life, just as the fascinating
wrecks or even an underwater archeology park to discover. There's a great
interest and awareness for underwater life in this charming town, so it is the
right place to promote your underwater productions whether it's fiction or
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime, and our
team will respond to you as soon as possible.
Awards & Prizes
Our judging panel consists of a pre-jury and the main jury, who are all sector
professionals coming from every field of the film industry: directors, producers,
academicians, actors, screenwriters, animation artists, and so on.
All the finalists will be invited to Kaş and offered a 3-night stay with
breakfast and lunch included. There will be a special dinner with the other
filmmakers. Q&A sessions will be held with the attending filmmakers at the event.
More prizes and events are TBA in March 2022.
International Short Film Competition
• Best Film Award
• Best Cinematographer Award
• Best Director Award
• Best Acting Award (Gender-Neutral)
• Best Editing Award
• Best Screenplay Award
• Best Production Design Award
• Special Jury Award
National Short Film Competition
•Best Film Award
• Best Cinematographer Award
• Best Director Award
• Best Acting Award (Gender-Neutral)
• Best Editing Award
• Best Screenplay Award
• Best Production Design Award
• Special Jury Award
International Underwater Short Film Competition
• Best Film Award
• Special Jury Award
National Student Short Film Competition
• Best Film Award
Rules & Terms
• For the international, national and student films competition, films produced
in 2021, and 2022 will be accepted.
• For the national student films competition category, the filmmakers who are
currently attending secondary school, high school, or a bachelor's degree may
apply. Students currently pursuing their Master's or PhD degree may submit their
films to the national short film competition.
• For the underwater film category, films produced in 2018 and later will be
accepted. At least %30 of the length of these films must be filmed underwater
• Max. film length is 25 minutes.
• The submission deadline for each category is 20.04.2022, but as the
application fee increases over time, early submissions are strongly encouraged.
• A filmmaker’s submission fee will not be reimbursed if they decide to withdraw
their film from the submission. All entry fees are non-refundable.
• All films submitted to FilmFreeway must be in the form of an online screener
or Youtube/Vimeo link. If a link is password protected, then the password must
be valid through May 1st, 2022, otherwise, your submission will be considered
INVALID and will be DISQUALIFIED with no entry-fee refund. You will be reminded
once if a password is invalid before being disqualified.
• If the movie is not English speaking, subtitles must be provided by the
submitter (including the national submissions).
• Filmmakers are responsible for every aspect of copyright on their own
• Selected films will be privately reviewed by the judging panel before the
awards, and before public screening.
• Once a film submission gets a Nominee status, the submitter receives a
congratulatory e-mail with the festival's 2022 Nominee laurel.
• Accepted filmmakers will be notified via email, phone or text. Filmmakers must
confirm their participation by the given deadline, otherwise, they might lose
their spot in the line-up.
• All the finalists will be invited to Kaş, and either the director or the
producer will be offered accommodation for 3 nights. Breakfast and lunch
included. There will be an additional special dinner with the filmmakers.
• The festival does not cover the travel expenses who are arriving out of Turkey.
• Selected films must acknowledge that Kaş International Short Film Festival
reserves the right to promote the films on the festival’s website and social
media using both images and video that you provide.
Festival Başkanı - Ali Evren
Festival Direktörü - Seren Topaloğlu
Festival Danışma Kurulu
Erinç Durlanık
Kadriye Hacımusaoğlu
Onur Keşaplı